
The Way of the Flying Fish operates as a global letter chain.
Two scenarios:
1. You have received one or more Fishes and it is then up to you to decide if you want to be part of this adventure. Know that when you receive a Flying Fish, his twin brother has been sent to Japan! You are part of an existing channel and someone, somewhere thought of you.
2. You have not received Fishes but you want to join the adventure and that is why you are on our site. So you are going to start… You will be at the very beginning of a chain. You are the first link ! Someone will have to be thought of.
In either case, you need to do the following:
You will need to create two identical origamis Flying Fishes. The first will be sent to Japan by post so that it joins its congeners (sent from all over the world). The second, you will send it to a person of your choice with, attached to the mail, the QR code which will allow the recipient to understand what is happening, why he is receiving and how to participate, too, if he wishes.

The journey of Flying fish
ATTENTION ! Entering the adventure of The Way of Flying Fish is a responsible act, totally free and which will ask you to happily transform yourself into several people:
As a craftsman: you will see, on the site, how to create your own paper from advertising papers that you will have found in your mailbox. You will see, it is disarmingly simple and making your own paper brings immense emotion coupled with a feeling of pride to have given back nobility to a material damaged by advertising. The "paper-house" is a mandatory step to create your origami and join the Way. It demonstrates your commitment to this project.
As a folding artist: origami, from oru, “fold”, and kami, “paper”, is the art of folding paper. The word comes from the Japanese, which itself borrowed it from the Chinese pinyin zhezhi, "to fold paper". In the 18th century, in the West, origami was called the paper amusement. (Thanks Wikipedia). And our Flying Fish origami is very simple to make.
As a bilingual writer and draftsman: knowing that your Flying Fish will be hung in the Way, your question about your dream of the future on our planet must be concise, well-turned, poetic if you feel it and written in your mother tongue. You will also have to translate it into English because it is currently the international language and you will be likely to be read on the Way by people from all over the world. (Use online translation tools, it's free and rewarding). You can make it an extraordinary messenger of your thoughts and adorn your Flying Fish with drawings, in black and white or in color and in the size you want.
As a person who is sensitive and aware of this question that we would not have asked ourselves 30 years ago: “Is the future still possible, ladies and gentlemen? »
The destination of your first Flying Fish is in Japan, on the island of Kamigoto. You can address and stamp directly on the origami, the postal services are of an exemplary delicacy with objects out of the ordinary, (we tried, it really works). You can also protect it in an envelope or if there are several in a box.
Here is the Japanese address:

Toshiya Miyazaki
1374, Urakuwa-go, Shinkamigoto-cho,
Minamimatsuura-gun, Nagasaki 857-4511
All stages

Step 1
Make its own paper, by recycling advertising paper to transform it into "homemade" sheets.

Step 2
Create the origamis of Flying Fish, in 2 copies minimum.

Step 3
Write, in their mother tongue and in english, their dream of the future in the form of a question on the wings of the flying fishes.

Step 4
Send a Flying Fish on Kamigoto Island and the 2nd to the recipient of his choice (with the link to this site).

And soon...
See you on the Way of Flying Fish !