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île de Kamigoto vue du Mont Sanno
Poisson Volant / Flying Fish / Tobiuou

The way of Flying Fish
Le Chemin du Poisson Volant

"Is the future still possible, ladies and gentlemen ?"

If... You are a Little Prince or a Little Princess of our contemporary world...


If... You feel the soul of a Little Prince or a Little Princess, that is to say, as in the marvelous novel of

St Exupéry, endowed with the ability to ask an essential question at the right time and in the right place…

So... You can take the Way of the Flying Fish, Tobiuo no Tōrimichi, 
le Chemin du Poisson Volant !

On the wings of a contemporary origami flying fish, which you will have had the joy of making with your own «homemade» paper, write in your mother tongue and also in English so that the whole world can read you, your dream of future on planet Earth in the form of a question.

Your Flying Fish will reach the small island of Kamigoto in southern Japan and will hang in the Path, along with thousands of other dreams of the future from all over the world.

There is no time limit for your «Flying Fish», you can craft it whenever you want, make one per year every year, or several per month, week, day. You can dream the number of dreams you want, do this gesture individually or in family, in private or in public, collectively with a class, a study hall, at a party or a birthday. In 2023, 8000 Flying Fish have already reached Kamigoto Island.

The first public appearance of the Flying Fish will take place within the Osaka World Expo in 2025. 

Then, each year, the Path of the Flying Fish will give birth to a Matsuri, a free four-day festival on the island of Kamigoto. Of course, Japan is far away. But the Way is made to last as long as it takes, the time it takes for you to decide to come, the time it takes for the powerful of this world, the leaders of the 193 countries sitting in the UNO, officially invited by the Way, come to read the Flying Fishes of the Little Princes and Little Princesses from all over the world and to finally understand that they owe the possibility of a future on a habitable planet to the youth of this world.

Follow the Flying Fish to reach the Path!

You will find, at the end of each page, its printable paper version.

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Photographies ©Quennefer pour Les Souffleurs commandos poétiques

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