The Way

The Way of Flying Fish is a pretty walk (1 hour and a half) starting from a small disused school from the 1950s by the sea towards the summit of Mount Sanno (437 meters).
Every year, the Flying Fishes origami will be attached to the vegetation along the Way. To the reward of the incredible 360° view from the summit is added the extraordinary reading, randomly of the writings carried by the suspended Fishes, of the dreams of the Little Princes and Little Princesses from all over the world who arrived during the year.
A little history: In the year 800, Saichō san, a traveling philosopher monk left Mount Sanno for China to bring the teachings of Tiantai back to Japan. The statue of Saichō san and a small shrine face our small school, a second shrine awaits you at the top.
To give you an idea of the beauty of the Way… some pictures!

The sea lapping the land behind the little school.

The little school, headquarter of the Way, seat of the "Treasure Herbarium", whose land will be the place of the Matsuri (the four-day festival).

It's this way!

First gate. Here is the beginning of the Way.

On the Way...

Last gate. Arrival at the summit.

Summit of Mont Sanno.

Summit of Mont Sanno.